Sunday, January 6, 2008

Our Childs is Learning

Great article on Daily Koz: the Republican Debates as Told by a Nine-Year-Old:

McCain = Sarge
Thompson = Wrinkles
Paul = Bunny Ears
Romney = Oily
Huckabee = Beagle Eyes
Giuliani = Carrot Face

Interrupt alot!

Beagle Eyes
Arrogant foreign policy
We need 400,000 troops
Don't let politicians get involved
Leave it to military with blood on their boots.

Carrot Face
President policy good
War good
Patriot Act good
Electric snooping good
Capturing Saddam mistake
Surge mistake
Clinton peace dividend bad
We need more troops
We need more ships

Constitution has 10 Amendments
Immigration is bad
Secure border from immigration

Bush right
America is safe
America is not safe
America is safe
Rumsfeld failure
Petraeus is good
Strategy was bad
Now it is good

Sarge is confusing

Bunny Ears

We are bullies
If not listening we bomb them.
If listening we give them money.

Oily, Wrinkles and Carrot Face are making fun of Bunny Ears.

More at Daily Kos.

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