Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Ah, the weekend. Time to relax, read the papers, catch up on the news, and enjoy the sunshine in your backyard while having sex with your lawn furniture.

Huh? Yep. Picnic Sex Man got busted. "An Ohio man is charged with four counts of public indecency after he admitted to having sex with his patio picnic table. Authorities in Huron County, Ohio say 40-year-old Art Price Junior confessed to repeatedly having sex with the table between January and March of this year.

Police in Bellevue, Ohio were tipped off, after someone anonymously taped one of the incidents then gave the recording to police. According to police, Price admitted that he had sex with the picnic table both inside and outside his home. He is free on a $20,000 bond."

(Just a note to the editors: you can't have sex "with" an inanimate object.)

And what's the day's news without naked vandals? A drunken, naked man stole a forklift, crashed it and then rampaged through a grocery store late Friday night in West Lampteter Township, Pennsylvania.

Don't take that call. Cell phones are more dangerous than smoking. A new study claims "that using handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer. Cancers take at least a decade to develop, invalidating official safety assurances based on earlier studies which included few, if any, people who had used the phones for that long."

More dangerous, for one's career at least, should one happen to be a British son of a wannabe-Nazi; getting caught spanking whores and playing Nazi sex games.

That's not worthy of getting arrested. Hey, whatever makes your perverted wrinkled old boat float.

But what if you're an old war protestor in a wheelchair? Go to a mall wearing a slogan-filled T-shirt, and you'll get arrested.

Yes, it's a mad, mad world. And MAD magazine is still relevant. Here's the NY Times on those strangely compelling fold-in pages by Al Jaffee.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Easter Sunday in Dolorles Park, hosted by the indominable Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. It was perhaps their biggest turnout yet, with lots of Hunky Jesus and Bonnet contestants. The Ex-Boyfriends were real good. Some other band wasn't. The sun and fun were terrific.

For more photos, Click on my Flikr album!

Douse the Flame

Protests at first Olympic torch run.

Reporters Without Borders: Exposing China

Former French presidential candidate backs “political boycott” call
Former French presidential candidate Corinne Lepage of the CAP 21 party yesterday said she supported a “political boycott” of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, along the lines proposed by Reporters Without Borders. “CAP 21 hopes that France, the country of human rights, will urge the international community and the European Union to press for an end to the cultural genocide to which the Tibetan population is subjected,” Lepage said.

Update: French Prez Considers Boycott

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To Everything, Kern, Kern, Kern

Hundreds of people, including reps from PFLAG, peacefully protested at the Oklahoma state building in response to the vitriol Rethuglican Sally Kern blabbed about gays while being caught on tape.

Her gay, er, closeted, er, celibate music teacher son has done a response interview, distancing himself from his wacko mom, but denying his homosexuality.

Oklahoma media loves the coverage, and has turned Kern into a major issue.

This blog takes a quite bemused look at Mrs. Kern (graphic above).

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Boycott China

What does China do to prepare for the summer Olympics?
Terrorize Tibet and shoot hundreds of Buddhists dead.
It was impossible not to notice that the United States removed China from its list of top 10 human rights violators just as the biggest anti-China protests in 20 years erupted in Tibet. Even when handed that undeserved dispensation, the Beijing government cannot control its authoritarian nature.

A week of protests in Tibet turned violent last Friday as Chinese security forces clashed with hundreds of Buddhist monks and other ethnic Tibetans. Information was hard to verify — nearly all foreigners are barred from entering and Tibetans have no freedom — but news reports said a market in the capital was burned; at least 16, and perhaps many more, people were killed; and paramilitary police and troops were deployed. Over the weekend, rioting spread to neighboring provinces, and demonstrations even reached Beijing.

The protests began March 10, the anniversary of a failed 1959 Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. The Chinese took Tibet by force in 1951, and the region has been a source of tension ever since. Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama — who, much to Beijing’s fury, met President Bush at the White House last October — has urged greater religious and cultural freedom for Tibet. But talks with Beijing have gone nowhere.

To earn the right to play host to this summer’s Olympics, Beijing promised to improve its human rights record. As its behavior in Tibet — and the recent arrest of the human rights advocate Hu Jia and others — demonstrates, China does not take that commitment seriously.

China Rises blog points out the massive discord between builders of the Olympic "nest" and the privileged who will view the events in it.

What does the -yes, still Communist- government say? It's the Tibetans' fault.

Creeps. Boycott China. Now.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oily War Coverage

As the fifth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq passes, and the death toll of U.S. soldiers passes 4,000, the media dares to question its own slack coverage, or lack of.

This morning, Yahoo's news headline included the above graphic: 'Was the War About Oil?'

Within an hour it had disappeared. I had to dig to find the Washington Post article, buried under other news, which states:
Five years after the United States invaded Iraq, plenty of people believe that the war was waged chiefly to secure U.S. petroleum supplies and to make Iraq safe -- and lucrative -- for the U.S. oil industry.

The links to the website were yanked.

Instead, Iraq is covered as a campaign promo for near-senile John McCain, and his junket to Iraq to pose with soldiers (he'll then no doubt leave with hundreds killed, like last time).

Iraqis still lack basic food, water, and electricity, yet rightwing war-lovers proudly proclaim that "the surge is working."

Even a Pentagon study proved there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and terrorist groups, yet McCain is lauded as a war hero surveying his future domain.

This all could cost over three trillion dollars, says one nobel laureate.

For a few hours, a mainstream website asked what any sane person has known for more than five years; yes, idiots, Iraq is about oil.

McCain wants to stay there for "100 years or a 1,000 years, whatever it takes." Clinton takes $10 million from Saudis, who want Iraq to stay a mess so they can continue jacking up oil prices. Obama? Whatever his plan is, it's a pipe dream.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

'Milk' Shakin'

Ta da!
The last big scenes for Gus Van Sant's Milk were fimed outside City Hall last Sunday. I got a helluva sunburn for forgetting to use enough sunblock.

But in a way, it was worth it to be a small part of what will be a very interesting film. Sean Penn was great, giving his speech on the stage. Cleve Jones spoke between takes. Tom Ammiano was on hand (he's playing himself). A few shirtless hunks (paid extras) had the '70s look down, as did a hot, hot cop daddy.

My shots got a little sun-flared, too; discolored. Coincidentally, I talked with photographer Rick Gerharter and his friend Harley about old film stock (There were some fake old news cameras on hand). Harley had a hundred rolls of film from an India trip developed at Harvey Milk's photo shop!

The unveiling of the first big rainbow flag was quite dramatic. That, and the SF Gay Freedom Marching Band, were just started that year, 1978. There were no anachronisms, except a faux-Sister of Perpetual Indulgence (They weren't formed until 1979), but the Sisters have a way of inserting themselves in pretty much any gay SF film.

I look forward to the film, which may premiere at the Castro Theatre, which benefitted from some renovations to its marquee, thanks to the film set on Castro Street.

Update, March 19: SF Chronicle on the completing of filming.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oklahomo, No-kay

Rightwing antigay politico Sally Kern is a Youtube hit!

That is, after an audio of her blabbing on that gays are more dangerous than terrorists and they steal jobs and a lot of other garbage was secretly sent to the big wide internets, and her blabbermouth has made her just as stuck in her bigoted ways as ever.

An audio presentation of her comments first appeared on a Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund Web site; then on YouTube. The YouTube file had received nearly 400,000 hits by Monday evening. Kern said many of those who sent her electronic messages would deny her right to free speech.

"To put this simply: As a Christian I believe homosexuality is not moral," she said. "Obviously, you have the right as an American to choose that lifestyle, but I also have the right to express my views, and my fellow Oklahomans have the right to debate these issues."

Except for one problem. Her son is gay. Yep, he got kicked out of college for excessively cruising men's room toilets.

That is, according to Queerty, which often has el scoop!
Jesse Kern, Sally’s son, was raised in a strict Baptist environment. If your claims are true then you must blame her and her husband for his turning out that way. Most gays aren’t out there breaking the law and engaging in public sex acts and solicitation. Jesse chose criminal behavior to act out on his desires.

I see in this foolish woman much anger and resentment. Her beliefs are challenged within herself, because if she stands by them then she must accept her part in her son being a homosexual. She isn’t strong enough to do that. Instead, she has created a paranoid delusion that there is some vast conspiracy of gays infiltrating schools and governments to turn others gay and force their lifestyles on everyone. Her subconscious has created this great gay evil so she doesn’t have to blame herself and she says her son as a victim.

Had the gays infiltrated Jesse’s school and indoctrinated him then? Funny, how he attended Baptist schools. His attendence [sic] at Oklahoma Baptist University was marred by his repeated censure for cruising the school’s toilets. Had he been able to live his life openly he would not have had to engage in such actions.

Sorry for outing you by proxy, Jesse, but your mom needs to shut her trap. And you need to stop cruising toilets and come out. Mm-kay?

Update: Sally lied through her teeth about the alleged "death threats." What a pearl she is!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wheely Scary?

Somebody on a bike dropped off a little present at the Times Square Army recruiting station. Video HERE.

Now, let's see. what will be the government response?

A) Nothing; it was too insignificant to deal with. B) Someone will be caught. C) All bike messengers will be profiled. D) All cyclists in the five boroughs of NYC will be rounded up and detained in Jersey City. E) Nothing, since it was just a beta-test run by Michael Chertoff's stooges.
Your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

Shirtlessness, nudity and saucy news for Hump Day.

Firefighters raced up and down stairs in a benefit. That's hot.

Juan Pablo di Pace, an actor who will be in the film adaptation of the hit musical Mamma Mia! (starring Meryl Streep) is miffed that a poster advertising a British production of the opera Rigoletto is being used again, after seven years. He didn't have a problem posing nude for it then.

Funny how people like to eradicate their saucy past once they get more famous.

Like former gogo and lap dancer David Hernandez, who's a finalist in American Idol. I think it's cool and a bit sexy that the guy used to be a gogo slut in a gay bar. Pretending he didn't do it, or that he isn't gay, isn't so cool.

Page Turner

If you know me, you know I dislike few things more than fraudulent authors who get gargantuan advances while those like me still can't even get a proper rejection letter.
In “Love and Consequences,” a critically acclaimed memoir published last week, Margaret B. Jones wrote about her life as a half-white, half-Native American girl growing up in South-Central Los Angeles as a foster child among gang-bangers, running drugs for the Bloods.

The problem is that none of it is true.

The NY Times reports on this after they did a lavish colorful feature article on the fraudulent author. I'd say the Times' rep is pretty much shit by now.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

March in March

Here's your last opportunity to be in the 'Milk' movie directed by Gus Van Sant.

March 9, all day, they'll be recreating the 1978 Gay Freedom Day march/parade. This was before Harvey Milk was assassinated, and a very festive occasion, so they'll need a lot of people. Sign up at

But before you think of getting dressed up in some wild stereotype of '70s drag, check out these videos of the real 1978 march. Folks were rather ordinary-looking, for the most part. Lots of jeans and t-shirts, of course. Still, sweet and historic; a few festive drag queens and hunks.

The videos were uploaded by Don Frazell, who's been converting old films for the GLBT Historical Society. They've got an amazing collection. In this one, you can briefly see Harvey Milk.

See more historic gay footage going back to the 1940s (!!), including Sylvester performing, a few riots, personal home movies, and lots of other fascinating stuff, HERE.

The last time I was an extra in the Milk film, it was near my home, but late, somber, and it was for the historic first candlelight march.

This time will be all day, sunny (I predict) and a lot more fun.