Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Evolve and Learn Before You Die

Spencer Cox, one of more eloquent, sassy and self-taught scholars of the AIDS activist community, died today. If you didn't know him, I feel sad for you. I feel sad, period.

Here is the ACT UP obituary.

Here is Treatment Action Group's In Memoriam.

Here is Spencer's eloquent essay in POZ Magazine, "I See Dead People."

Here is a Towleroad post about Spencer (replete with inane comments from a few total jerks whom Spencer could have withered with a single remark!)

An example: "So World AIDS Day is on Saturday -- has everyone finished their shopping?"
Here is a Pink News obituary. Excerpt:

Spencer Cox, one of the most significant AIDS activists in America has died aged 44 of AIDS related causes.

Thursday, December 13, 2012